I am a Danish photographer based in Copenhagen, creating images which mean something. I like the physical nature of vintage Polaroid cameras, manual lenses on the digital camera, and printing on papers with a structure and surface that merges with the subject.
In 2024, more than 100 million pictures were uploaded to instagram daily, by more than 2 billion users. Visual communication has never been more wide-spread and yet so few pictures are worth the tenth of a second it takes for you to pass it in your feed.
A picture is what you get from pressing a button on your camera or your mobile. An image is what you get when you have an intention and idea, and use your camera to execute it. Art is when that intention is successfully visualized in a way that resonates with the viewer, and create an emotional response.
I create images, which have purpose and meaning to me. My biggest satisfaction is every time I discover they can mean something for others as well.
Use my Instagram for contact, collaboration and requests.